Monday, November 18, 2013

Val Cushing

It is with great sadness that we have learned of the passing of Val Cushing. I was fortunate, as so many others, to have met him and hosted him for a workshop here some years ago. I was lucky to be a second generation student, that is, I was taught by one of Val's students, John Jessiman. Cushing's influence can not be overstated nor his generosity in freely sharing his knowledge and experience.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Brooklyn Clay Student's Rock and Roll Weekend

From 4:00 p.m. Friday afternoon till 12 noon today- whew!

We jammed as much as possible into our weekend workshop- a glaze and load Friday night marathon; Saturday's firings of the downdraft and the salt kilns; viewing our collection of turn of the century White's Pottery salt crocks and ware in Fountain Elms; cozy studio tour and demonstration; Veronica's mold making workshop and studio tour; salting the kiln (a better cloud); Gerber's Pub; trip to the Everson in Syracuse and Sculpture Space in Utica; Symeon's for dinner and of course the kiln opening this morning.

My sincere thanks to the Brooklyn students for your patience, interest and great enthusiasm. It was a pleasure and privilege to work with you guys. DOG!

Also great thanks to Cammi and Michael and Keith for organizing the trip and the workload. It is great to work with people who know their stuff.

You wore me out, so now on to a relaxing massage, drinking good wine (thanks for that and the card) and then on to the work week.

What a kick! Thanks again...
